From Corkscrew to Screw Cap

Spec’s large selection of wines keeps our staff on top of industry trends. Recently, traditional cork usage has caused controversy as the supply of cork may not be able to keep up with the demand for wine.

Although cork is a renewable resource, preparing cork for wine closures takes several months. Even after sealing a bottle, a moldy or dry cork will ruin any wine. The possibility of a tainted cork is the reason that your server at a restaurant will smell the cork or pour a taste for you before pouring a full glass – it’s not to see if you like the wine! While there’s nothing quite like uncorking a beloved bottle of wine, screw caps have been gaining acceptance among discerning drinkers for several reasons.

Using a screw cap conserves the aromas, flavors, and freshness of your wine. These metal caps avoid cork taint, which results in a significant reduction in wine spoilage. Screw caps also prevent oxidation. Finally, a screw cap is easy-to-open and allows you to reclose the bottle if you don’t consume all of it over the course of a meal or evening. Bottles with screw caps are easy to store and are good for away-from-home consumption.

Whether you prefer twisting a corkscrew or snapping a screw cap seal, Spec’s wine selection has plenty of awesome opening options.

Submitted by: John Smith, Store #61 in Austin,TX