Don’t miss these limited Bourbon releases!
Join us for this exclusive in-store event for the opportunity to purchase
these rare and highly sought-after bourbons!
at 10am
Available at these locations only:
2410 Smith Street • Houston, TX 77006
Baker’s Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Bardstown Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Bardstown Single Barrel Finish Rye 750ml
Holladay Soft Red Wheat Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Blanton’s 375ml, 750ml or Gold 750ml*
Buffalo Trace Bourbon 750ml
Caribou Crossing Canadian Whisky 750ml
Eagle Rare 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Elijah Craig 11YR Bourbon 750ml or Barrel Proof Bourbon 750ml*
Elijah Craig Toasted Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Elliott Brothers Reserve 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Four Roses Bourbon 750ml (Choose only one Recipe – OBSF, OBSK, OBSO, OBSQ, OBSV, OESF, OESK, OESO, OESQ or OESV)*
Green River Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Hancock’s Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Heaven Hill Bottled-in-Bond Bourbon 750ml
Old Forester Barrel Strength Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Rosé Cask Finish Bourbon 750ml
Redwood Empire Haystack Rye 750ml
Russell’s Reserve Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Sazerac Rye Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
STAGG Bourbon 750ml
Starlight 7YR Double Oaked Bourbon 750ml
Weller Antique 107 Bourbon 750ml or Full Proof Bourbon 750ml*
Wild Turkey Rye 101 750ml
Willett “Baller” Rye 750mlor Wheat 750ml* (Wheat is not a Spec’s Pick)
Bomberger’s Declaration Bourbon 750ml
E.H. Taylor Single Barrel Bourbon
Larceny Houston Bourbon Society Pick Barrel Proof Bourbon 750ml
Michter’s 10YR Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml or Single Barrel Rye 750ml*
Michter’s US 1 Toasted Barrel Finish Bourbon 750ml
Old Grand Dad 16YR Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Estate Collection 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Marshmallow Toast Bourbon 750ml
11751 Bandera Road • San Antonio, TX 78250
Baker’s Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Bardstown Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Bardstown Single Barrel Finish Rye 750ml
Holladay Soft Red Wheat Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Blanton’s 375ml, 750ml or Gold 750ml*
Buffalo Trace Bourbon 750ml
Eagle Rare 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Elijah Craig 11YR Bourbon 750ml or Barrel Proof Bourbon 750ml*
Elliott Brothers Reserve 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Four Roses Bourbon 750ml (Choose only one Recipe – OBSF, OBSK, OBSO, OBSQ, OBSV, OESF, OESK, OESO, OESQ or OESV)*
Green River Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Hancock’s Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Larceny Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Old Forester Single Barrel Barrel Strength Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Toasted Cask Rye 750ml
Russell’s Reserve Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Sazerac Rye Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
STAGG Bourbon 750ml
Starlight 7YR Double Oaked Bourbon 750ml
Weller Antique 107 Bourbon 750ml or Full Proof Bourbon 750ml*
Wild Turkey Rye 101 750ml
Willett “O’Doyle Rules” Bourbon 750ml or Wheat 750ml* (Wheat is not a Spec’s Pick)
Bomberger’s Declaration Bourbon 750ml
Dark Arts Barrel Outlaws Pick 7YR White Port Finish Bourbon 750ml
E.H. Taylor Single Barrel Bourbon
Old Grand Dad 16YR Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Estate Collection 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Marshmallow Toast Bourbon 750ml
1900 Market Place Road • Irving, TX 75063
Baker’s Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Bardstown Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Bardstown Single Barrel Finish Rye 750ml
Holladay Soft Red Wheat Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Blanton’s 375ml, 750ml or Gold 750ml*
Buffalo Trace Bourbon 750ml
Eagle Rare 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Elijah Craig 11YR Bourbon 750ml or Barrel Proof Bourbon 750ml*
Elliott Brothers Reserve 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Four Roses Bourbon 750ml (Choose only one Recipe – OBSF, OBSK, OBSO, OBSQ, OBSV, OESF, OESK, OESO, OESQ or OESV)*
Green River Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Hancock’s Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Larceny Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Old Forester Single Barrel Barrel Strength Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Rio Bourbon 750ml
Redwood Empire Haystack Bourbon 750ml
Russell’s Reserve Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Sazerac Rye Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
STAGG Bourbon 750ml
Starlight 7YR Double Oaked Bourbon 750ml
Weller Antique 107 Bourbon 750ml or Full Proof Bourbon 750ml*
Wild Turkey Rye 101 750ml
Willett “Spice Fest” Bourbon 750ml or Wheat 750ml* (Wheat is not a Spec’s Pick)
Bernheim Barrel Proof Whiskey 750ml
E.H. Taylor Single Barrel Bourbon
Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Bourbon 750ml
Michter’s 10YR Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml or Single Barrel Rye 750ml*
Michter’s Barrel Strength Rye 750ml
Old Grand Dad 16YR Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Estate Collection 10YR Bourbon 750ml
Penelope Marshmallow Toast Bourbon 750ml
Pursuit United Dallas Bourbon Club Pick Double Oaked Bourbon 750ml
Terms and Conditions:
Limit 1 of each unless stated otherwise. First come, first served/limited availability.
No drinking on property. No generators. No guarantees on items. No line cutting or saving spots.
Guests may line up as early as they wish, at your own risk. Bathrooms will be available.

Each Bourbon Drop location will feature one Golden Ticket, hidden in abox of Spec’s Famous Maple Pecan Pie made with Crown Royal Whisky.
Find the golden ticket and win a basket with Jack Daniel’s 10YR,EH Taylor Small Batch, Weller 107, and Old Forester Birthday Bourbon!
Plus, buy two pies and save $10.