Same-Day Delivery FAQ


Where is Same-Day Delivery available?

Same-Day Delivery is available in most areas. Click or tap on the store name at the top right of the page and enter your address below Find A Store.

Is there a delivery fee?
Delivery fees vary on the distance of the delivery. The fee will be displayed at checkout before you pay for your order.

What delivery times are available?
Orders placed by 6PM can be delivered to residences and businesses before 9PM. If you place an order after 6PM, you’ll be able to choose next day delivery.

What if I need to make changes to my order after placing it?

Unfortunately, we cannot add to your order once it has been placed. If you have forgotten an item, you may cancel your order by calling the store your order was placed at and place a new one online.

If an item is out of stock, we’ll give you the opportunity to approve or decline one of our hand-picked substitutions.

If you have any questions regarding your order, please contact

Can I cancel my order?

You may cancel your order up until the time that it has been picked up for delivery. To cancel, please contact the store listed in your order confirmation email or email

Can I reschedule my delivery?

Once an order has been placed, it cannot be rescheduled. We recommend cancelling your order and placing a new one with your desired delivery time.

Do I have to be home to accept my delivery?
Yes, the recipient must be at least 21 years old, home and present a valid government-issued photo ID. If you are not home or are unable to present a valid photo ID to your delivery driver, your order will be returned to the store and a refund will be issued. However, you will be charged the delivery fee and driver tip.

My order was not delivered during my designated delivery timeframe. Who should I contact?

Please reach out to customer service at with your order number and details regarding the time of delivery.

What should I do if my delivery items are incorrect or damaged?

If you are delivered an incorrect or damaged order, please do not accept your delivery. Your delivery driver can return it to the store and a full refund will be issued.

If the delivery is accepted and needs to be returned, please do so at your local Spec’s store.

If I live in a building with a doorman, will he/she be able to accept my order?

Please be sure to include these instructions with your order. As long as the doorman is able to present a valid government-issued photo ID and is at least 21 years old, he/she can accept your order on your behalf.

Can I return my delivery items in-store?

Yes, please be sure to bring your receipt for all in-store returns.

How can I tip my driver?

Driver tips are submitted at the time you place your order. If you have any feedback or concerns regarding your driver, please contact and include your order number.

If I request a refund, how long does it take to process?

Refunds typically process in 5-10 business days, though this timeframe may vary based on your financial institution.

What if one or more of my desired items is not available?

If an item is out of stock, we’ll give you the opportunity to approve or decline one of our hand-picked substitutions.

If the item cannot be replaced, the item(s) will be removed from your order. You will not be charged for the item(s).

How will I know the status of my order?

You will receive updates about your order status via text and email.

What should I do if my address is not in a valid delivery area for my selected store?

Same-Day Delivery may not be available in your area for a selected store. If this is the case, please select another nearby store to determine if delivery is available.