Boulevard Sixth Glass • 6pk Bottle

$16.83 Each
Do you know what dwells in a glass? Asks ole in hans christian andersen’s the watchman of the tower. Better known for stories such as the little mermaid andersen wrote this short cautionary tale for a somewhat older audience. Our quadrupel ale also meant for the mature connoisseur is a deep and mysterious libation dark auburn and full-bodied its sweetness deceptive. As ole describes the glasses in turn their contents become more ominous until in the sixth glass… 10. 2% abv a brown colored full bodied beer with a complex fruity estery aroma a rich sweet caramel malt flavor containing notes of dark fruit and a low to medium hop bitterness and flavor. Tasting notes: aroma; belgian yeast esters dark fruit caramel malt malt: rich sweet malty caramel flavor hops: low/moderate hop bitterness and flavor balance: malt body: full food pairings: aged cheddar cheese chocolate desserts gouda cheese havarti cheese roast meat smoked meats and w
Do you know what dwells in a glass? Asks ole in hans christian andersen’s the watchman of the tower. Better known for stories such as the little mermaid andersen wrote this short cautionary tale for a somewhat older audience. Our quadrupel ale also meant for the mature connoisseur is a deep and mysterious libation dark auburn and full-bodied its sweetness deceptive. As ole describes the glasses in turn their contents become more ominous until in the sixth glass… 10. 2% abv a brown colored full bodied beer with a complex fruity estery aroma a rich sweet caramel malt flavor containing notes of dark fruit and a low to medium hop bitterness and flavor. Tasting notes: aroma; belgian yeast esters dark fruit caramel malt malt: rich sweet malty caramel flavor hops: low/moderate hop bitterness and flavor balance: malt body: full food pairings: aged cheddar cheese chocolate desserts gouda cheese havarti cheese roast meat smoked meats and w