Schlitz Malt Liquor • 16oz Cans

$5.64 Each
One of the original malt liquors schlitz malt liquor was introduced as schlitz lager’s sibling with a kick. 5. 9% abv using its iconic bull logo schlitz malt liquor became known for advertising campaigns using dueling bands like the marshall tucker band and . 38 special and the four tops and kool and the gang. Commercials ended with the schlitz bull charging through a wall. The schlitz bull was such a well-known mascot that schlitz malt liquor’s tagline was bull not beer for much of the 1970s. Today schlitz malt liquor comes in a variety of formats including ice malt liquor xtra long malt liquor original malt liquor and very smooth lager.
One of the original malt liquors schlitz malt liquor was introduced as schlitz lager’s sibling with a kick. 5. 9% abv using its iconic bull logo schlitz malt liquor became known for advertising campaigns using dueling bands like the marshall tucker band and . 38 special and the four tops and kool and the gang. Commercials ended with the schlitz bull charging through a wall. The schlitz bull was such a well-known mascot that schlitz malt liquor’s tagline was bull not beer for much of the 1970s. Today schlitz malt liquor comes in a variety of formats including ice malt liquor xtra long malt liquor original malt liquor and very smooth lager.