La Rambla Ex Virgin Olive Oil • Coupage
Obtained only be the mechanical process la rambla cloudy. This is a natural process. The oil will clear as it warms maintaining all of its properties. Special coupage results from the blending of the olive oils extracted from spain’s four best olives. It constitutes an extra virgin olive oil in a superior category with balanced flavor and aroma providing the best cost-benefit ratio among the extra virgins on the market. Complies with all country of orgin specification.. When chilled or in cold temperatures the oil may turn
Obtained only be the mechanical process la rambla cloudy. This is a natural process. The oil will clear as it warms maintaining all of its properties. Special coupage results from the blending of the olive oils extracted from spain’s four best olives. It constitutes an extra virgin olive oil in a superior category with balanced flavor and aroma providing the best cost-benefit ratio among the extra virgins on the market. Complies with all country of orgin specification.. When chilled or in cold temperatures the oil may turn