Caviar • Markys Kaluga 00 – 2oz

$118.94 Each
Kaluga caviar is processed by caspian salt masters. In seeking pure quality marky’s has undertaken the task finest and most expensive black caviar around the of involving caspian professionals whom process the world. Therefore ensuring the finest possible salt content and along with a texture and flavor profile comparable to wild iranian caviar and russian cavair. This is from the huso dauricus sturgeon whose natural habitiat is the rivers bordering russia and china. Fresh kaluga caviar ‘molossol’ has a large dark amber pearl. The taste is smooth and buttery just as caspian beluga caviar. Flavor – extremely mild buttery flavor and unique full flavored after taste size – large pearly grains color – dark-gray grains apperarance – firm clear glossy.
Kaluga caviar is processed by caspian salt masters. In seeking pure quality marky’s has undertaken the task finest and most expensive black caviar around the of involving caspian professionals whom process the world. Therefore ensuring the finest possible salt content and along with a texture and flavor profile comparable to wild iranian caviar and russian cavair. This is from the huso dauricus sturgeon whose natural habitiat is the rivers bordering russia and china. Fresh kaluga caviar ‘molossol’ has a large dark amber pearl. The taste is smooth and buttery just as caspian beluga caviar. Flavor – extremely mild buttery flavor and unique full flavored after taste size – large pearly grains color – dark-gray grains apperarance – firm clear glossy.