Zach’s Brisket Bar-b-que Rub

Zach’s Original Style Bar-B-Que Brisket Rub has won a significant number of championship cook-offs throughout the country over the last 40 years. Made up of a special unique blend of 17 ingredients the flavor compliments the meat without dominating the flavor. Trim the brisket as desired. Generously rub the seasoning on the meat and place in a plastic bag. Allow the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours for best results. 1 lb of Rub will season approximately 30 lbs of meat. Zach’s Spice Company is a food ingredients solutions company that specializes in seasonings spices and flavors.
Zach’s Original Style Bar-B-Que Brisket Rub has won a significant number of championship cook-offs throughout the country over the last 40 years. Made up of a special unique blend of 17 ingredients the flavor compliments the meat without dominating the flavor. Trim the brisket as desired. Generously rub the seasoning on the meat and place in a plastic bag. Allow the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours for best results. 1 lb of Rub will season approximately 30 lbs of meat. Zach’s Spice Company is a food ingredients solutions company that specializes in seasonings spices and flavors.