Blistex Lip Balm

$1.46 Each
Case of 12 - Save 12%
Soothe pain associated with dry and chapped lips Long lasting protection Seal in lip moisture by creating a barrier to prevent dry lips Sun Protection SPF 15 Apply before sun exposure and as needed Great for sore lips Glides on smooth for irritated lips Relieves and repairs Use on lip blisters Lip Protectant Medicated lip balm heals lips Lip moisturizer and revitalizer protection and relief Perfect for peeling lips Anti-Aging No mess no cream no salve.
Soothe pain associated with dry and chapped lips Long lasting protection Seal in lip moisture by creating a barrier to prevent dry lips Sun Protection SPF 15 Apply before sun exposure and as needed Great for sore lips Glides on smooth for irritated lips Relieves and repairs Use on lip blisters Lip Protectant Medicated lip balm heals lips Lip moisturizer and revitalizer protection and relief Perfect for peeling lips Anti-Aging No mess no cream no salve.