Gomper’s Gin
Gompers Gin is a 90 proof handcrafted New World style American gin distilled in Bend Oregon using handpicked Oregon Juniper Berries (giving Gompers its distinctive blonde color) golden pear and lavender. 45% ABV Gompers Gin may be enjoyed neat on the rocks or in your favorite Gomptail (our version of a cocktail). No gin face with Gompers Gin just delicious flavors. Our philosophy is that all gins are NOT created equally.
Gompers Gin is a 90 proof handcrafted New World style American gin distilled in Bend Oregon using handpicked Oregon Juniper Berries (giving Gompers its distinctive blonde color) golden pear and lavender. 45% ABV Gompers Gin may be enjoyed neat on the rocks or in your favorite Gomptail (our version of a cocktail). No gin face with Gompers Gin just delicious flavors. Our philosophy is that all gins are NOT created equally.
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