Nikka Coffey Gin
This is a Gin produced by Nikka Whisky integrating its decades of experience in distilling white spirits and blending whiskies. All of the base distillate comes through the Coffey Still a traditional continuous still which produces Nikka’s signature grain whiskies giving this gin a silky texture and rich body. Its aromatic complexity relies on the delicate balance of various botanicals including Japanese citrus such as Yuzu Kabosu and Amanatsu. There is also a touch of apples a fruit deeply related to the history of Nikka followed by pleasantly tangy hints of Japanese Sansho pepper on the finish. 47% ABV
This is a Gin produced by Nikka Whisky integrating its decades of experience in distilling white spirits and blending whiskies. All of the base distillate comes through the Coffey Still a traditional continuous still which produces Nikka’s signature grain whiskies giving this gin a silky texture and rich body. Its aromatic complexity relies on the delicate balance of various botanicals including Japanese citrus such as Yuzu Kabosu and Amanatsu. There is also a touch of apples a fruit deeply related to the history of Nikka followed by pleasantly tangy hints of Japanese Sansho pepper on the finish. 47% ABV
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