Old Highborn Gin
Old Highborn Gin is a traditional dry spirit with a Texas flair. OHB is unlike most Gins pot distilled to retain deep flavors and oils. The eight perfectly balanced botanicals are deliciously bright and earthy. A perfect accessory to any fine cocktail OHB tastes both familiar and unique. At 47% ABV the crispness of botanicals shine through citrus and aperitifs delicately. The final recipe took eight batches and resulted in eight botanicals designed to hit across the palette perfectly: cinnamon tea citrus peels (both fresh and dried) juniper and more.
Old Highborn Gin is a traditional dry spirit with a Texas flair. OHB is unlike most Gins pot distilled to retain deep flavors and oils. The eight perfectly balanced botanicals are deliciously bright and earthy. A perfect accessory to any fine cocktail OHB tastes both familiar and unique. At 47% ABV the crispness of botanicals shine through citrus and aperitifs delicately. The final recipe took eight batches and resulted in eight botanicals designed to hit across the palette perfectly: cinnamon tea citrus peels (both fresh and dried) juniper and more.
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