Weber Ranch 1902 Vodka
Weber Ranch Vodka is made exclusively with Blue Weber Agave. This naturally 100% gluten carb and additive free vodka is hand-harvested in Jalisco Mexico and imported to the Weber Ranch Distillery in Muenster Texas where multiple distillation is a slow process that honors the time agave takes to mature and develop its natural sugars for an extraordinary taste and finish.
Weber Ranch Vodka is made exclusively with Blue Weber Agave. This naturally 100% gluten carb and additive free vodka is hand-harvested in Jalisco Mexico and imported to the Weber Ranch Distillery in Muenster Texas where multiple distillation is a slow process that honors the time agave takes to mature and develop its natural sugars for an extraordinary taste and finish.
kfb21811 –
Very smooth vodka, with a hint of agave flavor. Vodka is my spirit of choice and this is beginning to outshine all of my favorites due to it’s versatility! I highly recommend giving it a try.