Traditionally the phrase “dog days of summer” refers to the sultry, hotter part of summer. Presumably because the languid weather caused our canine companions to lounge around in the shade. It was actually coined by Greeks and Romans who were referring to Sirius, the Dog Star and its very visible place in the heavens.
So this is the perfect opportunity to toss a stargazing party and bid summer good-bye! Between a telescope, some good friends and cocktail concoctions like the ones below from Spec’s, your guests will beg to sit, stay and relax!
1½ oz vodka
6 oz grapefruit juice
Pour both ingredients in an old-fashioned glass, stir, and add ice.
Pink Poodle
1½ oz vanilla vodka
2 oz lemon-lime soda
Splash of grenadine
Maraschino cherry for garnish
Combine all ingredients into an ice-filled shaker then strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a cherry.
Regal Beagle
⅓ oz whiskey
⅓ oz Peach schnapps
⅓ oz sweet and sour mix
Pour all ingredients into ice-filled shaker then strain into tall shot glass and enjoy!