College football kickoff is just days away and is there anything quite as glorious as college football season? The lights, the crowds, the beer. Oh, how we love the beer! But why settle for any standard lager when there are countless delicious beers to choose from? Let’s take a look at what exactly makes for a good tailgating beer.
• It should be a crowd-pleaser–something that everyone in your group can enjoy.
• Affordability is key! No one wants to break the bank each and every game day.
• It should to keep you going all day. You don’t want a beer with a particularly high ABV, or you’ll be done before the first drive.
• Finally and most importantly, it has to taste great!
SUBSTITUTION! This Saturday, try swapping out your typical tailgate lager and try a new game brew. Here are some great choices:
Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower
A true German-style Kölsch, this beer is crisp and refreshing with a modest ABV of 4.9%. It has a sweet malty body and a citrusy hop character. It has a clean flavor and is an easy choice for game day.
Anchor Brewing Anchor Steam
A blend of pale and caramel malts, Anchor Steam Beer has a deep amber color, thick creamy head and a rich, distinctive flavor. With an ABV of 4.9%, this is a great all-day refresher.
Victory Brewing Company’s Prima Pils
This classic pilsner starts with big floral hops and a slightly sweetened aroma. The flavor has a biscuit sweetness up front and is balanced by bright, spicy hops. A very versatile beer, pair it with your favorite game time snacks or drink it on its own. With an ABV of 5.3%, feel free to enjoy it throughout the day.