It’s Spec’s Fest time in Houston! Join us Saturday, August 16th at the Smith Street Superstore for the second annual Spec’s Fest!
Enjoy a huge selection of samples from our deli and gourmet food offerings at Spec’s while gaining insider tips on world-class wines and food pairings from the Spec’s experts!
This is a FREE festival with live music, amazing door prizes and thousands of specials on wine, beer, spirits and all things delicious! The festival runs from 10 a.m.-7 p.m so make a day of it!
Spec’s Fest Houston
Saturday August 16 • 10AM – 7PM
2410 Smith St. Houston, TX 77006 • (713) 526-8787
Not in Houston? Not to worry! Spec’s Fest is still headed to two more cities!
El Paso: Saturday, September 20
Fort Worth: Saturday, November 15
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