For more than 50 years, Spec’s has operated under the guiding principle of delivering extraordinary service to our customers, and we view our customers as members of our family. We were therefore very upset to learn of a criminal attack on our network that exposed certain customer information from transactions at some of our smaller stores. This invasion is extremely upsetting to us and we are deeply concerned about its impact on you, our customers. Earning and maintaining your loyalty and trust is our highest priority.
Thankfully, most of our customers were not affected. While it is a relief that fewer than 5% of our total transactions may have been impacted, that in no way diminishes our great concern for those affected. Specifically, the intrusion involved 34 smaller neighborhood stores in College Station, Corpus Christi, El Paso, and the Greater Houston area, including: Copperfield Liquors, JJ’s Liquors, Cowtown Discount Liquors, Restaurant & Bar Supply, Warehouse Liquors (in Corpus Christi), The Beverage Shoppe, Richard’s Fine Wines & Spirits and some small Spec’s stores in the greater Houston area. Our Houston superstore, other major stores, Rio Grande Valley stores, and our stores in North and Central Texas (including Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio) were not impacted.
At Spec’s, we view our customers and our employees as part of our family and we are deeply distressed by this crime against the whole Spec’s family. We are so sorry for the worry and inconvenience we know this will cause those whose data may have been stolen. We are committed to protecting our customers and employees, strengthening our systems against any future attacks, and fully assisting with an active criminal investigation by the United States Secret Service.
John and Lindy Rydman
For more information on this, and what to do if you were affected, please visit this special section of our website.