How did February 29 become known as the day it was “acceptable” for a woman to propose to a man? According to Irish lore, Saint Brigid made a deal with Saint Patrick to permit this role reversal every four years to create balance in the traditional gender roles the way Leap Day evens out our calendar year. If we didn’t have a Leap Day, we’d lose nearly 6 hours a year!
According to research, the Leap Year Cocktail was created in London back in 1928 to celebrate February 29. Supposedly, this drink has been responsible for more proposals than any other cocktail ever created!
We propose you gather all of the ingredients below from your favorite Spec’s, then do some research of your own!
Leap Year
2 oz gin
½ oz sweet vermouth
½ oz Grand Marnier
¼ oz lemon juice
Lemon peel twist for garnish
Pour ingredients into an ice-filled cocktail shaker and stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a lemon peel twist.