The saying goes, “All scotch is whisky. But not all whisky is scotch.” True. And not all scotch is great scotch. To make a scotch that’s really something special, it takes more than dedication to the craft. It takes art, to distill that ‘it factor’. That je ne sais quoi. We bring you a list of scotch brands that do just that.
In honor of National Scotch Day, here’s our Top 10 Scotch whiskies.
Highland Park
12 yr Scotch 86˚
12 yr Doublewood Scotch 86˚
The Macallan
Double Cask Scotch 86˚
25 yr Single Malt, Scotch 93.6˚
25 yr Blended Scotch 92˚
$249* (*with Spec’s key)
30 yr Single Malt, Scotch 94.6˚
Highland Park
40 yr Single Malt, Scotch 96.6˚
42 yr Single Malt Scotch 93.4˚
$3,699* (*with Spec’s key)
The Macallan
1937 Fine & Rare Single Malt Scotch 86˚
The Macallan
65 yr Lalique Scotch 93˚