You dream, I dream, we all dream of ice cream when it’s a sizzling hot day. Add another delicious dimension of flavor to this summer treat—your favorite spirits from Spec’s! All you need is a blender and a sense of adventure!
Each one-serving recipe below creates a milkshake-style beverage and follows the same preparation: Combine ingredients with 2 scoops of softened vanilla ice cream in a blender, and puree until smooth. Pour into a glass and get creative with your garnish!
Banana Split
1 oz banana liqueur
1 oz white crème de cacao
Candy Cane
1 oz peppermint schnapps
1 oz white crème de cacao
1 oz green crème de menthe
1 oz white crème de cacao
Strawberry Shortcake
1 oz amaretto
1 oz strawberry liqueur
Whiskey Alexander
1 oz whiskey
1 oz dark crème de cacao