In honor of President’s Day, we’ve taken a look into what some of our former presidents would have loved to drink. Stop by your nearest Spec’s, so you can get ready to raise a toast to our country’s founders.
George Washington: Black Butte Porter
Washington made and sold whiskey, but his drink of choice was dark porter. He’d have loved the rich and creamy Black Butte Porter by Deschutte’s brewery.
Thomas Jefferson: Duck and Weave Pinot Noir
Jefferson liked his lavish wine. We’re sure he’d have appreciated that this pinot noir has all the flavor of an upscale wine, at just a fraction of the price.
James Madison: Alexandre Bonnet Perle Champagne Brut Rosé
At the end of a long day, we can see champagne aficionado, Madison, popping open a bottle of Alexandre Bonnet.
Andrew Jackson: Bastille French Whisky
Jackson made and sold his own whisky, and we’re certain the New Orleanian would have loved this French spirit.