Think clink! It’s National Wine Day and yes, we know what you’re thinking–many people believe there’s more than one day a year to do this. Actually 56% of American wine consumers say they sip wine at least several times a week according to recent research. When asked the reason why, here’s the response breakdown:
Like the taste 83%
Helps me relax 70%
Socialize w/friends 59%
Goes w/food 57%
Socialize w/family 45%
For romance 36%
Health reasons 22%
While the reasons for drinking wine varied, the top decision-making factor people cited for purchasing wine is, glasses down, the price. Second most popular answer? Brands.
Whichever reason pops your cork, Spec’s is your on-the-way National Wine Day headquarters. Reds, whites, roses, sparkling, Californian, Italian, French, Argentinian, Spanish, German– the list goes on and so do our wine aisles!