Drink Recipes

7 Best Mardi Gras Cocktails for Fat Tuesday
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Holidays
The Best Martini Recipes
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Spirits
Lowest Calorie Alcohol Drinks
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes
The Best Mocktail Recipes for 2023
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes
Best Cocktails of 2022
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes
Perfect Holiday Cocktail Recipes
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Holidays
Must-Try Halloween Cocktails of 2022
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Entertain
Classic Coffee Cocktails
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes
What is Horchata? History Of This Great Mexican Cocktail
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Spirits
Essential American Whiskey Cocktails
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, SpiritsIt may be hard to hear, much less comprehend, but not everyone is a fan of sipping straight whiskey. Personal preference aside, there will come a time when even a diehard whiskey purist must admit a whiskey cocktail is what’s called for. It could be you end up hosting a gathering where not everyone drinks straight spirits. It could be one of those lovely 104 degrees days in Texas. Or you might have ended up with a bottle of something you don’t particularly care for on its own. This is when k... Read More

The Evolution of The Whiskey Sour
Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, SpiritsFirst appearing in Jerry Thomas’ The Bartender’s Guide in 1862, the Whiskey Sour had been around decades earlier as a way to combat scurvy in sailors. Ships would stock up on citrus fruits on shore while the sailors brought liquors like rum or whiskey on board, so they had something safe to drink during months at sea. The citrus (typically lemon) was mixed with a liquor and water to create a drink that would not only quench thirst, but also effectively prevent the onset of scurvy.
Sailors... Read More