Maybe it all began back on a warm day when a few coins bought you a welcome glass of lemonade relief from a kid down the street. But even now, sometimes a cooling cocktail just doesn’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that zing!
And nobody knows more about the refreshing art of tart beverages than Spec’s. Lemon-flavored vodka, lemon-flavored rum, lemon-flavored liqueurs—if it’s made with the mellow yellow citrus, we’ve got it in our expansive orchard of choices. All at freshly squeezed prices, too.
When life hands you high temperatures, make one of these lemon yummy cocktails!
Lemon Drop
1½ oz vodka
¾ oz lemon juice
1 tsp simple syrup
Lemon peel for garnish
Fill cocktail shaker with ice and pour in all ingredients. Shake well, strain into cocktail glass and garnish with a lemon peel.
Lemon Daiquiri
2 oz rum
1 oz triple sec
1½ oz lemon juice
½ oz simple syrup
Combine all ingredients in ice-filled shaker. Shake well and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Enjoy!