Avast ye skalliwags! We’re celebratin’ Talk Like a Pirate Day here at Spec’s. And excuse the shorter than usual blog post, because it’s mighty difficult to type whilst wearin’ a hook on yer hand. (And me parrot keeps tryin’ to fly off with me mouse.)
To celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day, we bring ye’ an assortment of pirate cocktail recipes that’d make Jack Sparrah proud. You’ll be needin’ plenty of rum, me hearties.
The Bluebeard
•2 oz Spiced rum
•1 oz Coconut rum
•2 oz Pineapple juice
•Splash of Blue Curacao
•Splash of lemon lime soda
•Juice of ½ lime
•Fresh pineapple garnish
•Maraschino Cherries garnish
- Add 1cup of ice to a shaker.
- Next, add the rums, Blue Curacao, pineapple juice and lime juice. Shake well.
- Pour in a glass and add a splash of lemon-lime soda. Garnish with pineapple and cherries.
The Davey Jones
•2 oz Dark rum
•1 oz Lemon juice
•½ tsp Grenadine
•¼ tsp (grated) Nutmeg
- In a shaker, half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
Dark and Stormy
•2 oz Dark rum
•5 oz Ginger beer
•Lime wedge
- Pour the rum over ice in highball and fill with ginger beer. Squeeze in the lime wedge, stir and enjoy!
The Nassau Coastline
•1 oz Scotch
•1 oz Gin
•1 oz Creme de Cacao
•1 oz Cream
•Grated nutmeg
- Combine ingredients in a shaker; shake well and strain into a chilled glass. Garnish with grated nutmeg.
Yar! We hope ye’ enjoy Talk Like a Pirate Day, and these cocktail recipes to boot! If you find yerself pokin’ about an empty liquor cabinet, wonderin’ ‘Why’s the rum gone??’— Then take your crew down to your local Spec’s Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods.
Yo ho!