By Zach Dehghanpoor
After years of enjoying the hops-mania that’s been surging in the beer community, cider is coming in as a real game changer and palette cleanser. Gluten free, dry and sweet, and so, so easy to drink – the cider side of craft and local beer is what Apples to Apples is here to explore!
Ace Perry Cider
Fall is upon us! The time of hearty stew, thick scarfs, and pumpkin spice lattes.
Enter Ace Perry Cider – a not-too-sweet, fruity pear cider that makes the fall weather feel toasty.
It’s smooth and juicy, like a fresh pear right off the tree, and the perfect companion with a stew hearty enough to last a hobbit ‘til second breakfast. I highly recommend hunkering down with this cider mainstay!