An insider guide to your next cider for October!

Beer, Beer Reviews, Entertain, Pairings
By Zach DehghanpoorAfter years of enjoying the hops-mania that’s been surging in the beer community, cider is coming in as a real game changer and palette cleanser. Gluten free, dry and sweet, and so, so easy to drink – the cider side of craft and local beer is what Apples to Apples is here to explore!Saint Arnold Honey Agave CiderIn a crisis of taste recently, I sent a prayer to my favorite saint. Then out of nowhere appeared a divine gift of local Texas cider! Saint Arnold Honey Agave Cide... Read More

Roasty Toasty Coffee Cocktails

Spec’sology Blog, Entertain, Spirits
Coffee cocktails have come a long way since the 1940s/50’s Irish Coffee and 1960’s White Russian (made famous by The Big Lebowski), and the Espresso Martini of the 1980s/90’s. This is in part to the evolution of coffee culture itself. From first-wave drip coffee, to Starbucks, to today’s craft “third-wave” coffee and the canned cold brew trend. These different styles of coffee have given us the ability to mix them into cocktails never before possible, but certainly delicious.Thankful... Read More

Austin Tastings September 30


BRODIE LANE – 4970 W Hwy 29012/24

Mezza di Mezza
Smirnoff Vodka
Mule 2.0
Nue Vodka
JR Ewing Bourbon
Desert Door Texas
El Circo Vineyard
Vista Brewing
Saint Liberty Whiskey
Austonian Whiskey
Campo Viejo
Jack Daniel
Fire Oak Vodka & Bourbon

ARBOR WALK – 10515 N Mopac

Liberation de Paris
Western Son Vodka
Smirnoff Vodka
Mule 2.0
Nue Vodka
JR Ewing Bourbon
Western Son Vodka
Somrus Indian Cream Liqueur
Fortaleza Tequila
Frida Kahlo Te... Read More

Crushable Crustacean: Lobster & Wine Pairings

Spec’sology Blog, Entertain, Pairings
Lobster, the most decadent of crustacea, has been delighting humans since 1984. Ok, more likely since humans first discovered them dwelling below the surface of the ocean. Timelines aside, lobster is ridiculously tasty! Always has been, always will be. But did you know there are different kinds of lobster? As a general rule, if it has front claws it’s a cold-water lobster. If it has no front claws and five appendages, it’s a warm-water lobster.Types of LobsterThere are four types of warm wat... Read More

Girls’ Night In – Cocktails For Lady Tales

Spec’sology Blog, Entertain, Spirits
Ladies night doesn’t have to mean packing yourself into a bar with a couple of gal pals and fighting the crowds to and from the bathroom on a Thursday night. I get chills just thinking about it! So instead, why not have a Girls’ Night In? We’ve got a collection of delicious cocktails that’ll have you on speed dial as the host with the most and the queen of drinks and hijinks!Skinny Strawberry Green Tea MojitosWith frozen strawberries instead of ice, this is a cocktail that keeps on givin... Read More

If You Mustard…

Spec’sology Blog, Beer, Beer Reviews, Pairings, Reviews
It’s still prime grilling season (outside of the occasional tropical depression) and that coupled with Oktoberfest means lots of flame-kissed meats! Whether you’re serving dogs in buns, sausage links or bigger cuts, a good mustard is something you should absolutely have at hand. So, is there a “better” mustard for certain things? What makes them different? It’s time to take a quick bite into this centuries old condiment.Mustard is a mix of mustard seeds and liquid that’s ground into ... Read More

Austin Tastings September 23


BRODIE LANE – 4970 W Hwy 29012/24

Western Son Vodka
Bosco del merlo
Drambuie Scotch Liqueur
Monkey Shoulder Scotch
Effen Vodka
Western Son Vodka
Nue Vodka
JR Ewing Bourbon
Tozai Sake
Desert Door Texas
Jameson Whiskey
Desert Door
Crook & Marker
Andalusia Stryker
Devils River Bourbon
Jim Beam Bourbon
Stolichnaya Vodka
Fire Oak Vodka
Fire Oak Texas Bourbon
The Goose Vineyard
Crown Royal
1010 Premium Drinks
Soley Liqueur Coconut
Avion Tequila
Bushmills Wh... Read More

Raising Your Bar: Tips For Stocking Your Home Bar Like A Pro

Entertain, Spec’sology Blog, Spirits
For those who enjoy entertaining, having a well-stocked bar is pivotal to your success. A handcrafted cocktail can lighten the mood, schmooze the in-laws, wow a friend, or impress a date. Being able to mix a variety of drinks at home adds a certain swanky swagger to your hosting ego, and rightly so! It’s a heck of a lot cooler than only being able to offer canned beer and shots of Fireball. We’re helping you raise the bar a little bit!Starting a home bar may seem like an intimidating endeavo... Read More

Austin Tastings September 16


BRODIE LANE – 4970 W Hwy 29012/24

Fire Oak Vodka
Fire Oak Texas Bourbon
Absolut Vodka
1010 Premium
Tequila Uno Por Favor
Qui Tequila Platinum Extra Anejo
Bota Box
Legent Whiskey
Red Eye Rye
Knob Creek
Hess Vineyard
Playa Real Tequila
Qui Tequila
Crown Royal
Frankly Organic Vodka
Austonian Whiskey
Austonian Texas Bourbon
Dripping Springs Vodka & Artisan Gin
Jim Beam Bourbon
Santa Teresa Rum
Austin Cocktails
Crown Royal
Ballotin Whiskey
Crown Royal
... Read More