Fondue & Wine Pairings - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Fondue and Wine Pairings

Spec’sology Blog, Pairings, Wine
It’s a fact: cheese is the ultimate comfort food. You can make any dish substantially better by just sprinkling some cheese on it! Heck, putting cheese on cheese is like doubling up on amazing! And when cheese is the main ingredient, you’ve got yourself a winner! No dish does more for cheese than fondue. Fondue became popular centuries ago in Switzerland, where Gruyère, Emmental and Raclette cheeses were mixed with Kirsch (a kind of brandy distilled from the fermented juice of cherries), an... Read More
Easter Fun for Adults - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Easter Fun For Adults

Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Entertain, Holidays
Coming up with things to keep the kids entertained during Easter has never been a problem, but what about activities for adults? Many of the things that work for kids can be easily adapted for adults. And, let’s be honest, after all the food prep and decorating, you deserve to have some fun as well! Check out some of our favorite Easter games you can play with adults of all ages!   Mini Wine Bottle Easter Egg Hunt Single serving wine bottles make for the perfect treasure hidden inside your 21... Read More
Spanish Wines - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Spanish Wines

Spec’sology Blog, Wine
When most people think of Spanish wine they inevitably think of sangria, but Spain has a lot more to offer when it comes to wine! The origin of wine in Spain is old enough to have been lost to time as no one really knows who first brought vines to the area. By the time the Phoenicians arrived some 3,000 years ago and founded what are now the cities of Cadiz and Jerez, viticulture was well established, and Spanish wines became widely traded throughout the Mediterranean and North Africa. In the 19... Read More
Whiskies of The World - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Whiskies of The World

Spec’sology Blog, Spirits
When you think whiskey, you typically think of countries like Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the U.S., but there are actually over 25 whiskey-producing nations around the world. These different regions of the world have different spellings – whiskey or whisky, and neither is technically wrong. Whiskey is generally used in the US and Ireland, while whisky is used in Scotland, Canada, and Japan. Whiskey is made by distilling fermented grains and evidence of this process can be traced as far back... Read More
Best Irish Beers, Wines & Spirits - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Sláinte: The Best Irish Wines, Beers, and Spirits

Spec’sology Blog, Beer, Holidays, Spirits, Wine
When Irish eyes start smiling, knowing the proper libation to serve will help keep them that way. That being said we’ve put together a list of the top, and some obscure, Irish potations for you to keep on hand this St. Patrick’s Day.Bunratty Irish Honey Mead Created from an old Irish recipe this mead is made of honey, white wine, and herbs and produces a fairly sweet mead well-suited for a variety of occasions. Served cold or slightly warmed, it pairs well with chicken or turkey, and is the... Read More
March Tournament Cocktails - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

March Tournament Cocktails

Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Entertain

The largest non-official work holiday is almost here!
Non-official work holiday? By this we’re referring to the last few weeks of March where you keep one eye on keeping up appearances and the other firmly planted on some sort of visual display showing college basketball.
It’s March Madness!
And while American companies reportedly lose at least $1.2 billion per every hour of unproductivity during the first week of the NCAA tournament, you can certainly raise the bar on your watch parties wit... Read More

St. Patrick's Day Cocktails - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

St. Patrick’s Day Cocktails

Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Holidays

St. Patrick’s Day typically conjures images of green beer, tacky t-shirts, and terrible Irish accents. And while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, if you give us a minute, you’ll be the historically savvy fella spreading a smidge of knowledge about the man behind this gloriously green holiday!
Patrick, “the patron saint of Ireland”, was actually born in Roman Britain, not Ireland.
His birth name wasn’t Patrick either – it was Maewyn Succat, but he chose to go by Patricius... Read More

Chilean Wine Month - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Chilean Wines

Spec’sology Blog, Wine

The rise in Chilean wines may seem new to the wine world, but Chile has been planting grapevines since the 1500’s. The recent surge in Chilean wine exports has finally brought the recognition these vintners deserve; prior to the 1990’s almost all of Chilean wines were consumed by its residents.
This slender strip of land produces festive sparklers, crisp and refreshing whites, and bold, world-class reds, plus every style in between. Chile’s topography creates islands of isolation for the v... Read More

Australian Wines - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Australian Wines

Spec’sology Blog, Wine

Australia is one of the most prolific wine-producing countries in the world and not many people in the U.S. are aware of it.
History of Australian Wine
The birth of Australian wine making first started when vine cuttings from the Cape of Good Hope were brought to the penal colony of New South Wales in 1788. Although these first vines failed, eventually other settlers managed to successfully cultivate vines for winemaking, and Australian made wine was available for sale domestically by the 1820s.... Read More

National Martini Month Martini Recipes - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

National Martini Month

Spec’sology Blog, Drink Recipes, Spirits

Martinis are no longer restricted to business lunches and casually cool spies.
In fact, it’s as common to see them at brunch as it is at happy hour. From gin or vodka to fruity, sweet, or savory, the martini is a jack of all trades.
Join us in celebrating this versatile cocktail during National Martini Month with one of these delicious recipes and let your fancy flag fly!
Snickerdoodle Martini
The perfect dessert martini! Creamy, sweet, and decadent in all the right ways.
2 oz. Ket... Read More

Valentines' Day Gift Guide- Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Spec’sology Blog, Gifts, Holidays

Valentine’s Day is here, and Spec’s has you covered with gifts for all! Sure, when you think Spec’s, you think alcohol, and while that’s most certainly true, Spec’s also offers a ton of other items to woo your boo!
Since you’re probably in a hurry to find a gift and not looking for the history of Valentine’s Day or other random factoids, we’ll get right to it!
Gifts for Her
A Bouquet of Rosés
Korbel Sweet Rosé
House Wine Rosé
Castellblanch Rosado Brut Carat Cava
Budget Frie... Read More